College, Community Foundation join to address local child care shortage


North Central Michigan College has partnered with the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation on a yearlong research project to provide innovative solutions to Emmet County’s child care shortage. The NCMC Child Care Initiative will provide an evidence-based plan for a sustainable child care system designed to meet the county’s needs now and in the future. 

The Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation has awarded the college a $50,000 grant in support of the project. Additional funding from the Frey Foundation allowed the college to formally launch the program. 

“The shortage of available child care in Emmet County presents a challenge that transcends any single agency or organization,” said NCMC President David Roland Finley. “Because of this significant gift from the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation, we are able to meet that challenge head-on with collaboration and creativity.” 

Support for NCMC’s Child Care Initiative is well aligned with the Community Foundation’s mission to improve the quality of life for all Emmet County residents. 

“Having available child care is essential for families living and working here in Emmet County,” said David (DJ) Jones, Executive Director of the Community Foundation. “We are proud to support North Central’s efforts to study and identify child care solutions for our community that will have an impact now and well into the future.”  

North Central has appointed a team comprised of Early Childhood Professor Jennifer Wixson, a project coordinator, and a data analyst to evaluate the feasibility and viability of more than a dozen possible models for a sustainable child care system.  

“Professor Wixson’s team will conduct comprehensive data analysis,” said Sara Glasgow, North Central’s dean of liberal arts.  “They will study 12 months’ worth of data collected via surveys and focus groups with parents and employers, as well as interviews with more than 80 percent of the child care professionals in Emmet County.” 

The team will identify areas for improvement and reform, Wixson noted.   

“We’re looking specifically at affordability and accessibility to care, the capacity of our local child care network, workforce opportunities and increased wages for child care professionals, and the quality of care for all children,” she said. 

By November 2023, Wixson and the team will present Emmet County leaders with an implementation-ready list of sustainable solutions. 

“Our local child care system has endured decades of strain, and now a pandemic,” Wixson said. “This is our opportunity to change course –– for the sake of our children, our parents, and our child care professionals –– and we’re excited to provide the roadmap for how to do it successfully.” 

The Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation serves as a connector, partner, collaborator and resource to fuel the power of community for the greater good. The Community Foundation works to connect donors with community needs, addressing a broad range of issues through innovative grantmaking. 

North Central Michigan College is an open-door community college based in Petoskey with additional locations offering classes and services in Cheboygan and Gaylord.  North Central’s mission is to provide exceptional, accessible, relevant higher education of and for the community.  North Central, an Achieving the Dream Leader College with a designation of Veteran Friendly Bronze by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Michigan Community College Athletic Association.  For more information, visit  

Pictured:  The Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation has awarded a $50,000 grant in support of North Central Michigan College’s Child Care Initiative, which will provide innovative solutions for a sustainable child care system designed to meet Emmet County’s needs now and in the future. Pictured are, from left: NCMC Senior Gift Officer Christian Smith, V.P. for Advancement and NCMC Executive Director Chelsea Platte, PHSACF Director of Community Philanthropy Kassia Perpich, Early Childhood Education Professor Jennifer Wixson, PHSACF Executive Director David (DJ) Jones, and NCMC President David Roland Finley.